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Free Music Players For Your Website

Realizing the increasing demand of useful apps across the web, we regularly feature commercial and free software on instantShift, so decided it was time to bring a roundup of free website music related applications to your attention. Just keep in mind that this list isn’t a ranking list of web apps. So, let’s start with this compilation that every web developer, designer and freelancer should consider. You just need to follow few instruction and you’re all set for Listening music online. In this Post you can find your choice of free music player with all the necessary details.

01. Dewplayer

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Dewplayer is very cool and clean interface flash mp3 player. The flash animation is very light and easy to use. It downloads and plays the mp3 file when the play button is pressed.
It is under Creative Commons license. The usage is totally free even for commercial purposes (but not reselling it).
It Comes in 5 Sizes:
  • Mini (160×20)
  • Classic (200×20)
  • Multi (240×20)
  • Playlist (240×200)
  • Bubble (250×65)
How to install:
You can simply use the HTML example code, and set the mp3 argument. Use 44.1 Khz encoded mp3 files for better playing. Here’s a demo with the file test.mp3 in the same directory.
  1. <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="dewplayer.swf"   width="200" height="20" id="dewplayer" name="dewplayer">  
  2. <param   name="movie" value="dewplayer.swf" />  
  3. <param name="flashvars"   value="mp3=test.mp3" />  
  4. <param name="wmode" value="transparent"   />  
  5. </object>  
Else you can generate the HTML code directly for their site also.

02. MP3 Player

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MP3 Player is a flash Music player for MP3 files. It’s an open source Music player which can be customized and integrated you’re your websites easily. It has 5 different versions that allow you to integrate it the way you like which also allows users to choose their tracks from multiple files.
It Comes in 5 Sizes:
  • Mini
  • Normal
  • Maxi
  • Multi
  • JS
How to install:
For Detailed installation please refer this LINK

03. Flash Music Players

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You can choose one of their free flash music players for your website and use it to stream music on your web page. It’s also very easy to customize as there are two parameters you can modify to customize the flash music player. First, the color of the player and second, the skin of the player which is very easy to change.
How to install:
There is a detailed installation guide available with each music player.

04. Flash MP3 Player

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Flash MP3 Player is a free application that allows you to play music on your website easy and fast. You won’t need any programming skills to install or use it. Just embed it into your website and player will automatically scan a specified folder and form a playlist. Flash MP3 Player comes with following features.
  • easy installation
  • standard player controls
  • forms playlist automatically
  • customizable design
  • fully resizable
How to install:
The installation guide is included with the Mp3 player .zip file named as “readme.html”.

05. XSPF Web Music Player

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XSPF Web Music Player is a flash-based web application that uses xspf playlist format to play mp3 songs. XSPF is the XML Shareable Playlist Format. The software is written in Actionscript 2.
It comes in three versions.
  • Extended version
  • Slim version
  • Button version
How to install:
The basic HTML example code is :
  1. <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="<strong>400</strong>" height="<strong>170</strong>"  data="<strong></strong>?playlist_url=<strong></strong>">  <param name="movie"   value="<strong></strong>?playlist_url=<strong></strong>" />  </object>  

06. Macromedia Flash MP3 Music Player

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This flash music player can play up to 25 of your favorite mp3’s continuously. You can make the music automatically play or have a manual start. Click the button on the left to pause the music and click it again to continue play. It will match your website because you can customize the music player using html color codes. You can customize the following :
  • change the movie background color
  • change the player background color
  • define the number of MP3’s that play up to 25
  • define your MP3 song titles up to 25
  • define autostart or manual start
  • define the scrolling titles color
  • define the song title window color
  • define the outer and inner panel color
  • define the color of the dots surrounding the player
  • define the button color
  • define track time elapsed color
How to install:
Basic instructions are included with the player .zip file.

07. Website Music Player

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Easily add music to your Web site with this advanced flash mp3 player and stream your music with style. No programming knowledge required. Simply upload your Mp3s to the MP3 directory and the songs are automatically added to the playlist. Then just copy-and-paste the code into any Web page. Features include collapsible playlist, graphic equalizer, volume control, song position slider, percentage of song loaded display, reliable buffering and song control buttons (previous song, play, pause, stop, and next song). This new version is unaffected by the recent Internet Explorer update that disables flash movie controls.
How to install:
All the necessary instructions are included with the player .zip file.

08. FLAMPlayer

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FLAMPlayer is an mp3 player built in Flash, and so, it can be embedded in an Html page. It works using PHP and MySQL. The database stores the authors and tracks characteristics, the PHP scripts manage the communication between the Flash player and the MySQL database.
FLAM Player includes a back-end allowing the fast addition of tracks, the edition of authors or tracks characteristics, the creation of playlists and the simple integration of the player in a page.
How to install:
For detailed installation please refer this LINK

09. Zanorg Player

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If you looking for not so complicated and yet another website MP3 player which can play only single file of your need then zanorg player is the best option.
How to install:
  • Place the downloaded file “zplayer.swf” on your website, where you want to put it in your page.
  • To insert the Zanorg player in your page, use the following code, or create your custom code with the online generator.
  • Modify “file.mp3″ with the url of your mp3 file (ex : or /music/music1.mp3 )
  1. <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="zplayer.swf?mp3=<strong>file.mp3</strong>"   width="200" height="20"/><param name="movie" value="zplayer.swf?mp3=<strong>file.mp3</strong>"/></object>  

10. Website MP3 player – DNeX FMP256

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This unique Flash application lets you put a fast, small and reliable playlist-driven MP3 player on your website. It can play up to six MP3 tracks from anywhere on the Web, delivered to all the major web browsers and mobile platforms that support Flash Player 8 or above.
How to install:
All the necessary instructions are included with the player .zip file.

11. Silverlight Audio Player

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Silverlight Audio Player is a simple audio player that can be used for playing back one or more audio files. It currently supports two styles of player. The first plays a single file. The second allows you to play multiple files.
How to install:
You need the AudioPlayer.xap file, and optionally an XML playlist file. Once you have those, you can load the Silverlight application in the same way you would any other. Remember to set up the size appropriately, and pass in the MP3 file Url or Playlist Url in the Initparams (see below). By convention, Visual Studio likes XAP files to be stored in a ClientBin folder. You do not need to do this, and if you don’t, you will need to adjust the relative paths from the examples shown below (i.e. no need for ..\ on your Urls).
Using the Single Player:
To use the single player, simply pass init params following the to your silverlight object. The single player should be sized 295 pixels wide and 30 pixels high.
InitParams: Url=,Artist=Artist Name,Title=Song title
Using the Multiple Player:
The multi-player is still a work in progress. To launch the player with multiple files, you need to point it at a playlist. A playlist is
an XML file containing the Url, Artist and Title for each track you wish to play.
  1. < ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>  
  2. <playlist>  
  3.   <audiofile url="" title="Opposition and Joy" artist="Mark Heath">  
  4.   <audiofile url="" title="You have always given" artist="Mark Heath">  
  5.   <audiofile url="" title="Don't Look at Me" artist="Mark Heath">  
  6.   <audiofile url="" title="Holy Spirit Will You Be" artist="Mark Heath">  
  7. </audiofile></audiofile></audiofile></audiofile></playlist>  

12. flowplayer

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The audio plugin lets you stream MP3 data into Flowplayer. Flowplayer can automatically load the audio plugin when it encounters a clip whose file name ends with MP3 or mp3. It loads the file from the same folder from which the player was loaded.
How to install:
For detailed installation please refer this LINK

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